Our guest on this episode Today is Juliana who is an assistant professor at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and a behavioral scientist who studies the psychological processes by which people think about the minds of other people. This episode will actually be going over various topics such as productivity and efficacy, social interactions and relationships, and a glimpse into the future and AI and how it will affect our experience of power and decision-making.
If you want my key takeaways on this episode and the show notes, head over to my website as well, which is programlife.org. Head over and click that subscribe or follow button as well right now on whichever platform you are using to listen to this so that you can be notified of all of the great content that I provide you guys, and also take your time to leave me a rating and review telling me what you liked the most in this episode. You can also follow me on Instagram yogeshprabhu2 and Twitter @yogeshprabhu03
Outro Song: Snail's House - if (ujbeats vol.1)
Program Life | Productivity & Mental Health
Welcome to The Program Life Podcast, where we typically talk about mental health, productivity, and other related topics. This podcast aims for my audience, my guests, and myself to learn something new and gain a new perspective in life.
Welcome to The Program Life Podcast, where we typically talk about mental health, productivity, and other related topics. This podcast aims for my audience, my guests, and myself to learn something new and gain a new perspective in life. Listen on
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